NB: Compete Reports on all subjects can be downloaded from the UNEB website at
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The paper consists of three sections; A, B and C. Section A contains 20 compulsory Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) drawn from the whole syllabus. Section B contains 6 compulsory structured questions drawn from the whole syllabus. Section C contains 3 theoretical practical questions drawn from the topics; Elementary Computer Programming, Trends in Computing, System Start-Up and Configuration, Computer Communication and Networking and Computer Hardware. The candidate answers only one question.
The level of difficulty of the paper was the same as that of the previous year 2015. The UCE 2016 candidates’ performance was the same as that of the previous year.
Question Analysis
The questions required candidates to select the most appropriate answer from the given choices per question.
Popularity: All the questions were compulsory
Weaknesses of candidates: Some candidates used guesswork to pick the alternatives.
Advice to Teachers: They should guide the students on how to answer MCQs appropriately.
Question 21.
The question tested candidate’s knowledge of early computing devices and the generation of computers. The candidates were required to state the features of a modern computer.
Popularity: It was popular and attempted by majority of the candidates.
Weaknesses of candidates
- Some candidates could not relate the computing device to the inventor. Candidates just mentioned any computing device during the mechanical error and associated it with Blaisé Pascal.
- Some candidates failed to state reasons for the features given. Many learners were challenged by the meaning of modern computer as opposed to the traditional characteristic features of a computer.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should clearly relate the early computing devices invented to their respective inventor.
- The teachers should guide learners on explaining the reasons for the respective characteristic features in each generation of computers.
- The teachers also need to be careful in clarifying and explaining the current trends in computing world in aspects of observable changes today.
Question 22.
(a) Required candidates to give a brief description of what peripheral devices are.
Weakness of candidates
Many candidates could not draw a clear difference between peripheral devices and other parts of a computer system.
(c) Giving categories of computer hardware.
Weakness of candidates
Many candidates were giving examples instead of categories.
(c) Outlining situations under which a computer user can carry out warm booting.
The question required candidates to give the rationale or need for warm booting a computing device.
Weaknesses of candidates
Candidates lacked knowledge about warm booting while others simply tried to define it.
Popularity: Generally part (a) and (c) were not popular while part (b) was.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should relate the technical terms to practical sessions to enable learners have a clear- cut distinction between terms.
Question 23.
The candidates were required to demonstrate their practical skills of data management using electronic spreadsheets and databases.
Weaknesses of candidates
- Candidates failed to demonstrate their practical knowledge into theory.
- Some candidates failed to write the correct spreadsheet formula syntax.
Popularity: It was popular but failed by majority.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should emphasize the need for proper syntax for formula and function expressions in spreadsheets and database.
- The teachers should endeavor to make learners to understand the theory behind every practical operation.
- The application and roles or functions of the various database objects must be emphasized.
Question 24. (a)
Candidates were required to define terms used in computer communication with examples. Weakness
- Some candidates did not have knowledge of the given terms.
- Some candidates were relating the terms to non-electronic communication means. Popularity: It was not popular. Few candidates who attempted it failed.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should clearly enable learners to distinguish between the technical terms used in computer communication, where possible tour or have field studies for practical experiences.
- The modes of data communication should be demonstrated clearly with practical examples.
- Teachers should avoid giving non-electronic means or data switches as examples.
Question 24. (b)
Candidates were required to state the advantages of using Internet in business transactions. Popularity: It was popular and passed by many candidates.
- Some candidates resorted to giving general applications of Internet in other fields other than business related advantages.
- Some candidates were simply giving advantages of computer.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should enable learners to grasp question understanding drills by knowing where the stem of the question lies and decide on the most appropriate key.
Question 25.
Candidates were required to demonstrate knowledge of the two word processing features.
Many candidates did not have knowledge of the given terms as applied in word processing in theory.
Popularity: Not popular and many candidates failed this question.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should demonstrate the understanding of certain unique features practically and also have written notes for candidates as they handle practical sessions.
Candidates were required to give advantages of word processing software over a manual typewriter.
Candidates could not clearly state the advantages of word processing software over a manual typewriter.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should expose the learners to both word processing environments and tools for learners to demonstrate and appreciate a clear understanding.
(c), (d) and (e) Candidates were required to explain meaning of features in a presentation program and state an example of a presentation program.
Popularity : It was popular.
Weakness of Candidates
Many candidates lacked knowledge of the use of the stated features.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should use a practical approach to enable learners understand the concepts clearly.
Question 26.
(a) and (b). Candidates were required to demonstrate understanding of utility programs.
Popularity: It was popular.
Weakness of candidates
- Some candidates lacked a clear-cut general description and examples of utility programs.
- Some candidates could have been misled by incorrect information from pamphlets on the market.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers are advised to leaners to simply not photocopy information from pamphlets to learners but rather make sense out of such literature.
- Candidates were required to give advantages of off-shelf software.
- Popularity: It was popular.
Weakness of candidates
Candidates mainly stated “uses” instead of “advantages” as required by the question.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should clearly explain the differences between uses, functions and advantages.
- Candidates were required to give considerations while developing a computer program.
- Popularity: It was popular
Weakness of candidates
Many candidates did not understand what the question required.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should tell learners to be creative in their question approach.
SECTION C- Practical Theory Questions
Question 27.
(a) Candidates were required to demonstrate an understanding of the computer configuration, system startup, repair and maintenance.
Popularity: Not popular.
Weakness of candidates: Candidates showed lack of knowledge of troubleshooting.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers need to use practical approaches in explaining some of the technical troubleshooting terms to learners.
- The teachers need to expose learners to interfaces that portray errors or problems during use of a computer.
- Teachers should practically guide leaners in maintenance and repair of computer systems.
- Encourage leaners to attend maintenance sessions in the computer laboratory. (b) Candidates were required to state signs and symptoms of a computer with hardware and software problems.
Weakness of candidates
- Some candidates merely reproduced work from their notes which was not applicable to the question.
- Many candidates misunderstood the question to mean computer crimes or security issues.
Popularity: It was not popular
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should tell learners to be creative while answering such questions which are open ended.
Question 28.
(a) Candidates were required to explain observable symptoms that can be based on to conclude that a computer has mal-ware.
Weakness of candidates
- The candidates had no knowledge of the term malware.
- Candidates just related the options in 27(a) as solutions in question 28(a).
- Candidates also confused the term malware for disadvantages of computers.
Popularity: Not popular.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should clearly explain the possible meanings of computer terminologies like computer infections.
- They should use varied terms to explain the meaning of malicious infections, which include: malware, viruses, spyware and various attacks to computer systems.
(b) The question required candidates to describe measures that can be put in place to safeguard computers against malware.
Popularity: Not popular although candidates who attempted it scored very highly.
Weakness of candidates
Candidates had no knowledge of the possible measures used to counteract/safeguard computers against malware.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should categorize the measures used to safeguard computers to various system attacks.
Question 29.
(a) Candidates were required to explain the advantages of networking in a school setting/environment.
Popularity: It was the most popular question.
Weakness of candidates
- Candidates stated advantages of Internet instead of a network setup in a school.
- Some candidates stated benefits of using computers in a school.
- Some candidates gave shallow explanations of networking.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should clearly distinguish the networking terms from Internet basics and the World Wide Web.
(b) Candidate were required to explain the different types of topologies. Popularity: It was popular and attempted by most of the candidates.
Weakness of candidates
- Candidates showed lack of knowledge of what a network topology is.
- Candidates confused the network topologies for types of networks.
- Candidates also confused a server for a hub or concentrator or switch.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should assess the leaners in these concepts in aspects of definition, illustrations, explanations and descriptions.
The paper consists of two Sections; A and B. Section A contains one compulsory question drawn from word processing and spreadsheets. Section B contains three (03) Questions drawn from Database, Web Design and Computer Presentations. The candidates answer any two questions.
The paper was easier than that of the previous year, 2015. The candidates of UCE 2016, performed better than those of the previous year.
Question Analysis
Question 1 (a) Word Processing
Candidates were asked to typeset a given text and later on apply general formatting including page formatting.
Since it was a compulsory question; it was attempted by most candidates.
Weakness of candidates
- The candidates had problems with inserting page numbers.
- The candidates could not easily make a heading outside the columns.
Question 1(b) Spreadsheets
Required the candidates to enter statistical data in a spreadsheet and carry out calculations. In addition, they were supposed to represent the work using a pie chart.
Popularity of the question
Being a compulsory question, it was attempted by most candidates.
Weakness of candidates
- It was hard to sort data in ascending order according to total column. It was hard inserting a tittle on the chart.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should emphasize good use of functions and formulas in spreadsheets.
- Teachers should emphasise qualities of a good illustration.
Question 2. Presentation
Required to prepare a presentation using the given data. Also to insert charts and graphics.
The question was popular; it was attempted by most candidates.
Weakness of candidates:
- They could not easily insert an organizational chart.
- They could not easily insert graphics in required locations.
Advice to Teachers
- Students need to do a lot of practice.
- Expose students to different types of charts.
Question 3. Web Designing
Required candidates to demonstrate their understanding of web designing by designing a hotel website with all the active links and pages.
It was the least attempted question.
Weaknesses of candidates:
- Candidates did not know how to link web pages.
- They never knew how to create a web banner.
- Some failed to save their work as a website
Advice to Teachers:
- Teach all the examinable applications including web designing.
- Expose students to a variety of web designing software.
- Emphasise qualities of a good website including a banner.
Question 4. Database Management System
Required candidates to prepare a database, enter data and create a form, a query and reports.
It was a popular question and most candidates attempted it.
- Candidates had problems with the use of the right criteria.
- They had problems with the field properties in the table.
Advice to Teachers:
- Emphasize proper designing of the table.
- Print all the objects of the database.
- Emphasize proper use of wild cards.
The paper is made up of twenty (20) compulsory structured questions set from the entire syllabus. The paper was of the same level of difficulty as that of the previous year 2015. The candidates of UACE 2016 performed better than those of the previous year.
Question Analysis
Question 1.
Candidates were required to give reasons why students in secondary should not be allowed to have mobile phones.
Popularity: Very popular and passed well.
Weakness: Some candidates instead gave merits of using phones in school.
Advice to Teachers
Involve students in critical thinking exercises and also teach about the common ICT devices/tools clearly spelling there use, advantages and demerits in everyday life.
Question 2. (a) and (b)
The question required candidates to give the importance of servicing and maintenance of computers and state the activities involved in order to service and maintain the computer. Popularity: It was popular.
- The candidates confused activities with precautions for computer use in 2(b).
- The candidates also confused the activities in 2(b) to be security measures while using a computer.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should involve students in practical/hands-on activities of servicing and maintenance of computers as spelt out in the syllabus.
- Teachers should guide students when servicing and maintenance are needed and done while taking good care of the computers.
Question 3.
The question required candidates to state the file path from the command line interface given in 3(a) and give a method/step of recovering a file which has been accidentally deleted on the desktop.
Popularity: Popular but most failed.
Some failed due to lack of exposure to the command line interface or the DOS prompt. Most teachers emphasize the graphical user interface in teaching.
Advice to Teachers
Teacher should expose students to all possible user interfaces and when to apply them. Students should be exposed to practical activities involved in file management.
Question 4.
Candidates were required to describe the terms in reference to devices as used in ICT. Popularity: It was popular.
Candidates failed to bring out key features and also failed to use keywords expected of them in describing the devices given.
Advice to Teachers:
Teachers should emphasize during the teaching, practical exposure to computer hardware devices and explain appropriately the related terms and uses of these components.
- The students should also be taught the operations/working mechanisms of computer hardware
Question 5.
Candidates were required to define a file extension and give the associated file extension for the given file types.
Popularity: It was popular
- Candidates failed to give the definition of a file extension but rather gave the use of a file extension.
- Some candidates also failed to distinguish between a file extension from a file name for 5(a) and others could not give the appropriate file extensions for the different file types given in 5(b).
Advice to Teachers
- While teaching, teachers should give a clear cut distinction between a file, a filename and a file extension.
- Teachers should also give students many file extensions for each file created using the respective programs.
Question 6.
Candidates were required to define the term output devices and as well as give categories of printers and their respective examples. Popularity: It was popular and majority passed it.
Some candidates used the same term “Output” in their definition in 6(a).
- Some candidates interchanged the examples of printers for categories while other candidates were stating brand names of printer instead of giving the categories.
- Some candidates mistook categories to mean mechanisms of printing in 6(b).
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should clearly give synonyms of words while defining terms to avoid use of the same words or phrases to define a given term.
- Teachers should also emphasize categories of printers, mechanisms of printing and the examples of printers while teaching.
- Teachers should explain clearly the meaning of words such as categories, classifications, types, examples, forms, and when to apply them.
Question 7.
Candidates were required to distinguish between system software and application software and also give language translators. Popularity: It was popular but most failed question.
- Some candidates misinterpreted the language translators for natural human language translators and thus gave answers like Kiswahili, Luganda, Chinese, Japanese, and French.
- Some candidates misinterpreted the language translators to mean programming tools like linkers and debuggers.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should emphasize the use of the keyword “end user” in definition of application software and also give use of conjunctions such as “while”, “whereas”, “on the other hand” so that the two statements flow to set them apart as in 7(a).
- Teachers should also endeavor to emphasize the difference between language translators and programming tools.
Question 8.
Candidates were required to clearly differentiate between computer hardware and computer software and also give other categories of computer hardware apart from storage hardware given. Popularity: It was popular.
- Some candidates failed to give the keyword to make a clear cut difference between computer hardware and computer software in 8(a).
- Some candidates mistook other categories of computer hardware to mean examples of storage hardware.
- Other candidates gave responses for any hardware components they are aware of.
- Some candidates don’t take time to exhaustively read and understand the demand of the question.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should teach the categorization spelt out in the syllabus and associated examples that fall in each category of hardware.
- Teachers should also spell out such words that can be used interchangeably such as “category”, “type”, “forms” and when they should be used while teaching.
Question 9.
Candidates were required to state “True” or “False” against the forms of software distribution in the question. Popularity: It was popular and averagely passed.
- Some candidates showed lack of knowledge of forms of software distribution.
- Other candidates failed to stick to the question rubric and thereby resorted to appending ticks and crosses for “True” and “False” respectively.
- Others used the word “Yes” for true and “No” for false.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should always emphasize to students to adhere to the examination rubric and also advise the students to thoroughly read the instructions carefully and follow them to avoid losing marks for being careless.
Question 10.
Candidates were required to define the term “motherboard” and identify components housed on the motherboard. Popularity: It was popular.
Some candidates failed to define the term “motherboard” but rather gave their responses as one of the components of the system unit.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should teach students the difference between motherboard and system unit.
- Teachers should expose students to items/components referred to as hardware and be able to define and describe them in relation to their nature, make up and mechanism of work.
Question 11.
Candidates were required to define the given terms in11(a) as used in publication software, give publication software and name a document that can be produced using a publication software. Popularity: It was popular.
- Some candidates failed to define the terms “Frame” and “Template” but were rather merely referring to a frame as a border and majority had no idea about a template. Some candidates had limited scope of examples of desktop publication software.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should clearly describe features of publication software to students.
- They should also teach students the practical theory and allow them to take notes.
Question 12.
Candidates were required to fill the table using appropriate application software and state the purpose of the corresponding application software stated. Popularity: It was popular.
Some candidates misinterpreted categories of application software for examples of application software in these categories while others had no idea about the purpose of some categories of application software.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students the uses of different categories and examples of software.
Question 13.
Candidates were required to suggest ways/methods of protecting data and software. Popularity: It was popular.
Some candidates gave responses for protecting computer laboratory and computer hardware.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should clearly spell out aspects to do with software and hardware protection and not to substitute them.
Question 14.
Candidates were required to give the benefits of using e-mail service and ordinary post service to send documents. Popularity: It was popular.
- Some candidates gave comparative points of e-mail service over ordinary post which was not the requirement of the question.
- Other candidates gave disadvantages of e-mail service over ordinary post and vice versa.
- Some candidates instead gave uses of the two services rather than their benefits.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should clearly teach students the uses, advantages/benefits and demerits of these related service platforms.
Question 15.
Candidates were required to give the application/use of the knowledge of the common modern technologies given in real life situations. Popularity: It was popular.
Some candidates lacked knowledge of the technologies due to lack of exposure and hence not appropriately use the terms given to complete the statements.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should expose students to such technologies through use of simulations, study field trips as in other subjects and use demonstration.
Question 16.
Candidates were required to distinguish between a hyperlink and a homepage and also identify netiquette guidelines while using the Internet. Popularity: It was not popular. Weakness
- Some candidates had no knowledge of what a hyperlink is.
- Other candidates confused netiquettes to mean disadvantages of using the Internet.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should teach students most or all the terminologies and use of Internet practically.
- Teachers should also teach students giving a clear distinction between netiquettes for Internet use and the computer ethics.
Question 17.
Candidates were required to give examples of wireless transmission media in 17(a) and limitations of wireless transmission media in (b). Popularity: It was popular though most failed it. Weakness
Some candidates mistook the technologies or platform e.g. WIFI, Bluetooth upon which the transmission media operates as transmission media.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students the different technologies or platforms which are based on wireless transmission media.
Question 18.
Candidates were required to show knowledge of use of the terms given to complete the statements correctly. Popularity: It was popular.
Some candidates failed to sort and choose appropriately the correct term to suit a particular statement due to lack of knowledge and exposure to the application interface and hence failed to match the terms to statements.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should explain clearly the terms especially during practical sessions so that students can appropriately use them in practical theory questions of this nature.
Question 19.
Candidates were required to explain the terms given as used in Information and Communication Technology. Popularity: It was popular but failed by majority of the candidates.
Some candidates failed to bring out the key words expected of them in explaining the terms.
Advice to Teachers
Teacher should emphasize during teaching the meaning of these terms and also how to approach such questions that call for explanation.
Question 20.
Candidates were required to outline five uses of intranets in an organization. Popularity: It was popular but failed by majority of the candidates.
- Some candidates confused intranets with the Internet and hence gave responses in relation to Internet use.
- Some candidates gave points related to advantages gained after using intranets.
Advice to Teachers
- Teachers should teach clearly the difference between intranet, extranet and the Internet in terms of their uses, advantages/benefits and disadvantages.
- Teachers should always encourage students to read carefully and internalize the demand of a question.
The paper consists of five questions set from the topics; Word Processing, Electronic Spreadsheets, Electronic Presentation, Electronic Publication and Databases. A candidate answers any three questions.
The level of difficulty of the paper was the same as that of the previous year, 2015. The performance of the candidates was better than that of the previous year.
Question Analysis
1a. Open the file: OUR FOCUS. rtf and save it as your name and personal number.
It was popular to all candidates who attempted the number, many of them managed to save as required. | – Identifying the exact support file
– Renaming the file was a challenge to most of them
Several exercises in loading, exporting, importing and opening files. Explain to students how to rename all files using the save as feature. |
B. set the page size to
A4 |
Not very popular. Very few candidates were able to customize the page size to the required format.
Candidates left the page to the letter-default setting. | Encourage students to have hands on learning methods and carry out variety of exercises. |
C. i). Set the titles and subtitles to Times New Romans font size 22
(ii) bold and underline the two sub titles (c) apply another color to the titles |
It was Popular because most of them were able to format as instructed
A few who failed simply skipped the question.
Some candidates applied highlight color rather than font color that was required by the question.
Avail students with exercises that require candidates to use these common and regular formatting skills on the home ribbon. |
e).(i) type text in the text box | The skill was popular and majority of the candidates who attempted it got it right. | Some candidates failed to add text in the provided text box, they instead typed below the text box | Emphasize the use of auto shapes and manipulation of all the other options available to the shapes.
f)i).change the numbered list to a bulleted list. | It was very popular because more than 90% were conversant with this skill. | Avail students with exercises that require them to use these common and regular formatting skills on the home ribbon. | |
f). (ii) correct symbol for R the registered trademark. | It was not popular since many candidates who tried W/P failed this skill. | Majority of candidates did not attempt this subsection | Teachers should encourage the use of symbols in their daily exercises. |
g. insert an endnote | It was not very popular, very few attempted this section. | Candidates did not know how and where to insert the endnote. Some could not differentiate between footnote and endnote.
Some candidates referenced wrongly.
Encourage students to have hands –on learning methods and carry out variety of exercises.
Teachers should emphasize that document referencing should be exact, if the student references wrongly, the whole reference would be wrong. The teachers should also introduce the various document referencing tools and characteristics. |
(h). insert the image in the document. | Was popular. | Some candidates inserted images from other sources other than the required support file. | Teachers should demonstrate the use of support files and explore several image formatting options.
j). Save and print all your work. | Very popular. Almost all the candidates who attempted the question had the printouts. | Teachers should train and encourage students to print. Printouts are not only backups but also carry some marks |
a) The candidates were required to use spreadsheet application to enter data that was provided; save it. | It was popular to all candidates who attempted the number, many of them managed to save as required. | – Some candidates entered the data in format that could not ease arithmetic manipulation | Train students the skill of reorganizing data in a format that would facilitate arithmetic manipulation. |
b) insert a suitable heading for the data | It was popular | Some candidates failed to insert a row for the title.
Other candidates typed unrelated titles |
The teachers should emphasize the principles of inserting rows and columns in electronic spreadsheets. |
ci). Use of formulas to determine increase and decrease. | Was not very popular. | Some candidates were simply confused about which formula/ function to use. | Teachers should train their students in all possible spreadsheet functions and application areas. |
d). create a 3-D column chart | It was popular | The candidates used wrong chart, selected wrong data, and failed to name axes | Teachers must emphasize chart categories, types and characteristics of a good chart. |
f) Save and print all your work. | Very popular. Almost all the candidates who attempted the question had the print outs. | Teachers should train and encourage students to print. Printouts are not only backups but also carry some marks |
a. Open the file sports club.mdb and save it as your name and personal number. | It was popular to all candidates who attempted the number, many of them managed to save as required. | Renaming the file was a challenge to most of them | Several exercises in loading, exporting, importing and opening files.
Explain to students how to rename all files using the save as feature. |
b(i).Assign lookup data types to the field house. | Was popular. | Teachers should avail students with an opportunity to use all the available data types. | |
ii). Allocate appropriate data types to the fields. | It was Popular because most of them were able to use data types like text and currency. | Most candidates failed to select the appropriate data types. | Should thoroughly explain the use of each data type especially when introducing database. |
d). Sort the field FEES in ascending order. | It was not very popular. | Most of the candidates who attempted, failed to sort the data using the field fees balance. | Teachers should explain all table features and allow students to practice their use. |
e). Create a form with all fields in the table and call it sports form. | It was popular .Many candidates created the form using form wizard. | Some candidates who used form wizard failed to name the form | Teachers should expose students to all possible ways of making database objects |
f. Create a query and use
it to extract all female candidates whose contacts start with 077 and 078 and name it sports query. |
It not was popular, very few attempted this section. | Candidates did not know how and where to use the required wild card * and use of logical operators like “AND” and “OR”. | Teachers should expose students to all possible ways of data filtering criteria techniques. |
g. Generate a report from the sports query.
Name it sports report. |
Not very popular. | Candidates failed to create a report from the query they instead created a report from a wrong data source; the table. | Teach students how to make a report from various database objects like query, table or both. |
h. Save and print all your work. | Very popular. Almost all the candidates who attempted the question had the print outs. | Print settings were poor in that most candidates table and report were scattered on several pages. | Teachers should show students how to use designs that fit the form on one page. |
a). Candidates were required to show the skill of copy and paste
from a support file • They were also required to show the skill of creating slides. • Candidates were also required to clearly locate where to type the title and the given content. |
It was popular to all candidates who attempted the number, many of them managed to save as required. | Most candidates were not familiar with copying and pasting a relevant literature.
Teacher should develop skills of locating relevant literature from support files.
b) Candidates were required to show a skill of copying actual image and pasting it in a right location. |
It was popular |
A few candidates showed the skill of copying and pasting but in wrong location. |
Teachers should train their students all possible image manipulation options |
c). Candidates were required to show the
skill of applying animation and transition specifically to titles only. |
Was very popular | A few who failed to apply the required skills simply misunderstood animation to transition and would apply one of them only. | Teachers should train their students all possible animation options like: custom animation, transition sound, and speed, slide advance, set rehearse timing etc. |
(e) Candidates were required to apply the skill of inserting action buttons on the left side of each slide. | The skill was popular. | Majority of the candidates failed to add action buttons, they were instead using auto shapes and others used action buttons but failed to activate them | The teacher should emphasize appropriate use and manipulation of all auto shapes. Should also expose students to a variety of exercises that can develop the skills |
(g) Candidates were required to show the skill of saving and printing the presentation as a handout.
It was popular | Some candidates ignored the change of the file name and others did not include their personal number. | Teachers should emphasize the skill of saving and renaming of files as this is one of the tools of identifying candidate’s files.
Teachers should also train students the various methods of printing electronic presentations such as notes page and handout printing to economize resources . |
a). Candidates were required to create a publication of an
“invitation card” |
It was not popular. | Some candidates who attempted this question created some publication which is not an “invitation card”.
Some candidates did not provide for the three required number of signatories.
Teacher should introduce to student the various forms of publications. |
b) Candidates were required to insert or create a logo. | It was not popular | Some candidates could not insert a logo from the gallery nor design their own.
Some candidates could not provide for a logo in their invitation card.
Access and creative skill of logos must be introduced to students.
c). Candidates were required to insert any “Boarder Art” on the card | It was not popular
Some candidates could not provide for a “Boarder Art” on the card | Teachers should show students all possible publication designs skills and tools. |
(d) Candidates were required to reproduce three cards from the first designed card, and fit them onto one page.
It was unpopular. | Some candidates could only provide for one invitation card.
Students should be introduced to all methods of multiple copy production options.
The paper consists of five questions set from the topics; Word Processing, Electronic Spreadsheets, Electronic Presentation, Electronic Publication and Databases. A candidate answers any three questions.
The level of difficulty of the paper was the same as that of the previous year, 2015. The performance of the candidates was better than that of the previous year.
Question Analysis
- Required candidates to:
Load the given file moralpaper.docx and save it as the candidates’ name and personal number.
Few candidates could not save in the required name but majority did.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers show students how to save their work using the given file name.
- Required: Underline the heading using any underlining style.
Some candidates failed to underline.
- Required candidates to: Change the boarder to 6pt width.
Some candidates failed to do it.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students various ways of customizing paragraph and page borders.
- Required candidates to: Center align the entire document.
Most of the candidates who attempted this question got it correct.
- Required candidates to: Identify the support file picture bet1.jpg and insert it as a header.
Most of the candidates located and successfully inserted the picture in the header area. Some candidates located the image but failed to insert it in the header area. A few of the candidates completely failed to locate the image.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should show the students how to insert a picture from a given file and place it in a specified location in the document.
- Required candidates to: Insert their names and personal numbers as footer.
Most of the candidates successfully inserted their names and personal numbers as footers.
- Required candidates to: Insert the page numbers at the bottom starting from page 5.
Some candidates simply inserted a page number but it did not start at 5. Others manually typed the page number in a text box as a footer.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students the concept of Editing Footers and Page numbering in detail.
- Required candidates to: Insert any auto shape and format it using color green and order it behind text.
Most of the candidates managed to exhibit all the three skills required in the question.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should emphasize the concept of colour contrast should one be required to work with background images and/or colour in text
- Required candidates to: Hyperlink the word addictive to google.com.
Many candidates applied it on “addiction” and others just typed the real word www.google.com and linked it to other documents.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students how to work with various types of hyperlinks in all applications.
- Required candidates to:
Copy the entire document and paste to any page of the same document.
Most of the candidates successfully copied the document to the next page
- Required candidates to: Save and print their work
Most of the candidates saved their work with the correct file names and location required.
- Required candidates to:
Load the support file products.xls and save it in their own name and personal number.
Some candidates could not save in the required name but majority did.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should emphasize the saving skills with correct file name and file location.
- Required candidates to: Insert three columns.
A few candidates did not add the columns.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students to read each question in the question paper to its finest detail.
- Required candidates to:
Calculate; Total Cost Per Product, Total Sales Per Product and Profit Per Product using suitable functions or formulas.
Some candidates did not apply the right formulas or functions.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should give students a variety of questions which require the use of formulas/functions.
- Required candidates to: Format all money values with a dollar currency symbol.
Some candidates applied the pound symbol, some did not apply a symbol at all whereas majority who attempted the question applied the correct symbol ($).
- Required candidates to: Format all values to one decimal place.
Many candidates left their values as a default value of two decimal places.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should explore the Application with their students more thoroughly and show them how to customize the default format settings such as using dollar currency symbols and changing to one decimal place and text orientation.
- Required candidates to: Center all the column headers.
Majority of candidates who attempted the question did it correctly.
This is one of the skills where candidates exhibited highest level of proficiency.
- Required candidates to: Rename sheet 1 as shop 1.
Many of the candidates managed to do the question correctly.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should show students how to customize the default Worksheet format settings such as renaming worksheets.
- Required candidates to: Copy all data to sheet 2 and rename sheet 2 as shop 2.
Some candidates failed to copy and paste the work on sheet 2.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students how to switch between more than one worksheet.
- Required candidates to:
Filter data and show only products whose profits exceed $100,000. Majority of candidates failed to filter the data as required.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students more about the data analysis features in the Application such as basic data sorting and data filtering.
- Required candidates to: Save and print.
Majority of the candidates successfully printed their work.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should emphasize to students about setting the spreadsheet files to appear only in the expected print area to avoid print-outs of pieces of the worksheets.
Question 3: DATABASE
- Required candidates to:
Use the data base management software to design the student data base and save it as their name and personal number.
Most of the candidates were able to save their work using the given file name
- Required candidates to:
Design and populate a students’ data table.
Most of the candidates who attempted this question successfully populated the table but did not do well in choosing suitable data types and assigning appropriate primary key field.
Advice to the Teachers
Teachers should clearly teach the students how to choose suitable data types with regard to the given data. The concept of choosing an appropriate primary key should also be emphasized despite the fact that modern versions of the Microsoft Office Applications allows a user to proceed with data entry without identifying a primary key.
- Required candidates to: Create another table with students’ clearance data.
Many candidates who attempted this question successfully populated the table but did not do well in choosing suitable data types and assigning appropriate primary key field.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should clearly teach the students how to choose suitable data types other than text data type i.e. when Date/Time, currency, Number, Auto-number etc. data types should be applied.
- Required candidates to: Create one-to-one relationship between the two tables.
Many of the candidates who attempted this question did not successfully create the one-toone relationship.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should give students more exercises that require them to create relationship between tables.
- Required candidates to: Create a form using students’ data table.
This question was the most popular and most of the candidates successfully created the form but did not insert the form header.
Advice to Teachers
Besides creating the database object (Form), teachers should teach students how to customize these database objects such as including customized headers and footer on the form.
- Required candidates to:
Create a report using data from both tables, group the records by class, arrange records in ascending order of names and include a report footer.
Many of the candidates did not attempt this question, even the few who attempted the question did not successfully exhibit all the skills required by the question (grouping, sorting and Report footer).
However, the question was dependent on question (d); a candidate who did not correctly create a one-to-one relationship would not successfully group the records as required in the question.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should do thorough teaching of creating and customizing the various database objects.
(g) Required candidates to:
Create query for students’ clearance table and calculate fees balance and other debts.
Most candidates did not attempt this question, even the few who attempted the question could not feed in the correct formula to generate the calculated query required in the question.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should give students exercises testing various query types (select and calculated queries).
- Required candidates to: Design a four-slide presentation and save it.
A few candidates failed to save the presentation. Most of them successfully generated the 4 slides with required content though the correctness of the data on ‘Services offered by ecommerce’ was lacking.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should point it out to students that much as the practical exam tests skill, it is important to use correct data especially if the topic being discussed is on the teaching syllabus of Sub ICT.
- Required candidates to: Show skills of applying transitions and animations in the presentation.
Most of the candidates successfully attempted the question. Some of them could not differentiate between animations and transitions and therefore ended up applying only one of the effects.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should thoroughly explore all the possible multimedia effects which can be used in creating an electronic presentation (Animation and motion paths, Transitions, Sound effects, Video clips, etc.)
- Required candidates to: Apply relevant Clip Art images on all slides
Most of the candidates successfully applied Clip Art images but their relevance was lacking. Some applied only one Clip Art on one slide; while others used the Clip Art image as their slide background.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should show students how to choose and apply appropriate clip Art.
- Required candidates to: Insert a header of their name and personal number on each slide.
Although the applications used e.g. Microsoft Office PowerPoint; had no in-built feature to insert a header on each slide, most of the candidates improvised methods of inserting a header such as manually inserting a textbox in the header area or using the Notes and Handouts Header.
- Required candidates to: Save and make a print-out
Most candidates managed to make print-outs of their presentation.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should allow their students more hands-on sessions in printing and explore with them the various methods of printing electronic presentation such as hand-outs, notes pages and slides.
- Required candidates to: Generate a given publication structure and save it.
Most of the candidates successfully saved the file. Some candidates used related auto shapes other than the given ones.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should emphasize skills of drawing and manipulating objects and shapes
- Required candidates to: Insert text from the given file “Wash. rtf” into the respective auto shapes created.
Many candidates were able insert the text into the drawn auto shapes. Some of them completely failed to insert the text in any or all the 3 auto shapes.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should take students through several practical exercises that require the use of support files.
- Required candidates to: Insert bullets on the text in the auto shapes.
Most of the candidates successfully inserted the bullets though some inserted the bullets on only 1 or 2 sets of text/auto shapes.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach students a variety of publication types and methods of creating the publications.
- Required candidates to: Apply a light background fill colour in each of the auto shapes.
The skill was successfully exhibited by most of the candidates who attempted the number although some candidates chose fairly dark shades and not light shades as had been stated in the question.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers are advised to emphasize the concept of colour contrast should one be required to fill colour in the background of text.
- Required candidates to: Change the thickness/weight of the arrows to 3pt size.
Some candidates lacked the skill of adjusting/formatting the thickness of the arrows.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should teach the skills of drawing, inserting and formatting shapes in the publication program.
- Required candidates to: Insert a picture from the file NO GERMS in the text box and resize the picture to fit.
Most candidates successfully exhibited the required skills. Few candidates failed to insert the picture in the stated location.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should emphasize skills of inserting, resizing and moving images in electronic publications.
- Required candidates to: Insert a footer of his/her name and personal number.
Many candidates successfully exhibited the required skill. Few of them failed to insert the footer.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should emphasize inserting a footer for any publication for personalization and easy identification of the student’s work.
- Required candidates to: Save changes made to the publication and print a hardcopy.
A few of the candidates failed to save their publication in their personal names and personal numbers.
Advice to Teachers
Teachers should emphasize the skill of saving at the beginning of a question.
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